Ibex uses a facility called "WebCollect" to manage membership subscriptions, event applications and payments. You will need to create a WebCollect account when you first use it, and thereafter you log in to use the facilities. A description of the facilities is given below. To go straight to WebCollect click below.
Making Payments
Payments for Club events and subscriptions is via PayPal. However, if you do not have a personal PayPal account you can still pay via card (PayPal has a "guest" option).
Important: To help the Club Treasurer keep track of payments, please pay for each item separately. For example, if you want to pay for a subscription and also the deposit for an event, pay for them separately, i.e. do not put them in the same basket. Similarly, if you want to book two different events, pay for each event individually (do not put them in the same basket). The exception is if a couple want to book on the same event (see below).
Applications for Events
Events which are open for booking are listed in the Ibex newsletter and on the WebCollect site. Clicking on "Book place" for an event displays the number of places remaining and provides an email link for contacting the event organiser (click on the organiser's name).
To apply for an event you first contact the organiser to check availability. If there is space you will be told to book a place via WebCollect. Just follow the steps to continue with a booking. You will be asked to verify your WebCollect account details, complete an event application form, and make payment via PayPal when a deposit is required. You will receive confirmation emails after payment has been made. If there is no space, you will be put on a reserve list.
For weekend and week events the weekend organiser will send you the detailed joining instructions a week or two prior to the event. For day walks the walk organiser will send you the joining instructions a day or two before the walk.
A couple can apply for an event at the same time, but an event application form needs to be filled in for each person. Twice the deposit can be paid with a single PayPal payment.
A few places on each weekend are reserved for "first weekenders" (either prospective members or members who have not yet been on a weekend) up to 4 weeks prior to the event. Prospective members can try out the Club by attending one day walk and one weekend within 3 months of each other without becoming a member.
If an event is shown as full, please contact the organiser to be put on a reserve list. Places often become available prior to the event so it is definitely worth doing!
New Member Subscriptions
Click on Browse subscriptions and follow the steps to become a new member. During the Checkout process you will be prompted for your details (address, phone number, etc.) if they haven't already been entered, details of an emergency contact, various declarations, and payment via PayPal. If you join Ibex in the second half of the year a reduced membership fee applies.
Existing Member Renewals
Click on Renew subscriptions and follow the steps to renew your membership. Membership can be renewed at the beginning of each year and lasts until the end of the year. Membership must be renewed before 1st March.
The preferred payment option is PayPal, but if you are one of the few members who needs to pay using an alternate means, please contact the Membership Secretary to arrange your renewal.
Managing your Personal Details
When you create a WebCollect account, you fill in your personal details (name, address, phone numbers, email, emergency contact). They are stored in the WebCollect system. This information is handled confidentially and is only accessible by members of the Ibex Committee.
When you apply for an event, you fill in an online event application form which is sent to the event organiser. This includes some of your personal details. Your name, phone number and email address are included in the materials used to organise the event (e.g. final joining instructions for a weekend) and sent to other participants booked on the event.
Personal details of paid-up members (not prospective members) are sent to the BMC as Ibex is a BMC-affiliated club. This is so that BMC benefits can be provided to members.
At any time, you may request the information Ibex holds on you or request the deletion of your WebCollect account (deletion of an account permanently deletes the data and removes you from all email lists). Just contact the Membership Secretary at membership@ibexhillwalkingclub.org.uk. For prospective members who decide not to become a full members, these accounts will be deleted after about a year.